Sunday, 21 June 2015

Bach - Violin Sonatas & Partitas - Ehnes


Very good Bach 

Needless to say, this is brilliant.  James Ehnes is one of the finest violinists currently performing, and the music, of course, is simply sublime. 

Ehnes gives a remarkable performance here.  He is outstanding technically, with perfect intonation and a beautiful tone.  This goes with a firm confidence and an intensity throughout which drives these pieces at a high emotional pitch.  The great Chaconne is very good and held me for the whole of its sixteen-plus minutes, while the less intense Preludio from the Third Partita has a wonderful resonance about it while still dancing – and Ehnes catches the dancing rhythms very well pretty well throughout.

At this level of excellence preferences are based almost entirely on personal taste, and I'm not sure this quite spoke to me as Rachel Podger, Viktoria Mullova and Isabelle Faust do in their different ways.  A little let up in the emotional intensity to allow some more lightness and joy into the music would be welcome at times.  Also, in some places - parts of the closing Presto of the First Sonata, for example - I thought the overall shape of the music got a little lost, even though the playing never lost any of its precision.

These are tiny factors, though, and largely personal responses to these performances which you may well not share.  Anything other than five stars would be absurd for such a fine performance and this may well become a favourite with a good many people.  It's beautifully recorded in a lovely acoustic which isn't over-resonant so Ehnes's violin sounds just fabulous and I can recommend this as a very good set, even if it isn't an absolute favourite of mine.

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